
Kasachstan 2019

Academic cooperation with partner school in Kazakhstan

As agreed on in the commonly signed memorandum by the head teachers of both schools, Werner-Heisenberg-Highschool Riesa and Nazarbayev Intellectual School Ust-Kamenogorsk want to cooperate in the field of educational activities with the aim of engaging students and teachers in collaborative learning projects.


This includes various forms of cooperation.

Thus four students from classes 9a and 9s decided to take the invitation of the Science Department of Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Ust-Kamenogorsk and participated in the video-essay competition under the topic “Nano technology – the technology of the future”.
Asked to make their own appealing videos our students did a great job and were awarded a 2nd and a 1st prize by the jury with a specialist of the university as their head.

Furthermore on Thursday 9th May, 2019 both schools were doing a Science Olympics in English to compete with one another. All pupils of form 10s participated from the part of our school. This time all of the tasks were worked out and the answer sheets were corrected by our teachers.

Modern means of communication make the exchange of results over such vast distances possible.


The pupils of form 10s were quite strong. The first two ranks were reached by pupils from the NIS. However, Aline Scharsig did a very good job and is placed 3rd. Ranks 4 to 7 are given to WHG pupils as well (Manuel Berger, Ole Lorenz, Niklas Garbe, Haldor Näser). Rank 8 goes to the NIS, followed by two WHG pupils on rank 9 (Marc Kynast, Marius Hilse).


Overall, our pupils and the NIS pupils are equally strong, which is a great base for further cooperations.


Certainly, more contests will follow this one.


-- Simone Gründler, Michel Waringo