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Do you want to save the planet?

Im Englischunterricht der 8. und 10. Klassen haben wir in den vergangenen Wochen über Umweltschutz gesprochen. Hier der Beitrag der Achtklässlerin Lilli Urban:

You want to live more environmentally friendly? Here are a few tips of mine on how you can save the planet by not even doing much.

  • First of all something we all forget sometimes: Turn off the light in every room where no one currently is. 
  • Some people still don't understand how important it is to NOT throw your garbage everywhere. Throw it into the nearest trash can, instead of throwing it on the ground by "accident".
  • Seperate your rubbish better. Don't throw everything into the same trash can (at home).
  • You can also live more environmentally friendly if you use your bike more (if you have one), because car exhaust is toxic for the environment.
  • If you break something or something is already broken, try your best to repair it if you still can!
  • I'm pretty sure almost all of you people out there have a phone. When you charge it you need a charger - but I often see people that don't take them out if they don't use it.

I know these "tips" are just little things and you probably think "How does that save our planet?" But trust me, every little thing helps.

Thank you for taking your time and reading this, I really do appreciate it. I hope you take some of these things to heart. And remember: Even little steps help us to get our planet save!