Einzel-News Anzeige

Protecting our environment starts with YOU!

By Clara Glaser, 10a

“Everybody can reduce and reuse things to protect our environment.”

I think this statement is right. Nobody has to save the world and the environment alone, but everybody can do his /her best. 
There are some things which are not really difficult to change in your and our life but they make a huge difference. Like recycling and separate the trash. 
If you have a trash bin for every sort of trash like paper, plastic and food leftovers, you can those thing them and they don't lie on our planet for years. 
What you can also do is reduce your plastic use. When you go food shopping, don't put every single tomato in a plastic bag. Put them in fabric bags that you can reuse every time. These bags you can sew out of your old T-shirts that you don't wear anymore.
In my opinion everybody can change little things like this to protect our environment.