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Schüleraustausch mit den USA und Mexiko Februar 2016

Unsere Austauschschüler sind gut in Sierra Vista/Arizona angekommen und hier ist der erste Bericht:
Ramsey Overlook, Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista, AZ

Thirteen high school students and two teachers from Radebeul, Germany, arrived in Sierra Vista late on Sunday, February 14. Sponsored by the Cityof Sierra Vista Sister Cities Commission, they come from several high schools in our German sister city.  They will be here with local host families for about 3 weeks and will experience high school, see local sites, meet with city officials, travel to Phoenix to see the state capital, and spend several days with host families in our Mexican sister city of Cananea, Sonora.  The sister cities program builds relationships among students in all three cities, and this trip is a reciprocation of the visit to Radebeul in 2015 by Buena high school students.  Pictured is part of the group who hiked to Ramsey Overlook in the Huachuca Mountains on the morning of Presidents' Day.  Left to right:  back row:  Councilwoman Henrietta Huisking (liaison to the Sister Cities Commission), Radebeul students:  Julia Menzel, Rica Eichhorn, Sara Burghardt, and Fin Handschug, Buena student host Nick Schulz, Sister Cities Commissioner Irma Valdez.  Front row:  unidentified Buena student, Radebeul student Sarah Baumann, Buena students Stephanie and
Alexa Valdez, and Sister Cities Commission Chair Susanne Himstedt-Gilbert.