


WEEK from 04.05. to 08.05. 2020

SB p.140 Ex.10

  1. 1. Where 2. Where 3. How 4. Where 5. What 6. How much
  2. 4-A, 6-B, 5-D, 2-E, 3-F, 1-C

SB p. 165 Test yourself

  1. Close… 2. Don’t play… 3. Don’t open… 4. Look… 5. Don’t sing… 6. Go…

SB p. 131 Ex.9

3.That’s right    4. That’s right    5. That’s wrong. Don’t eat…    6. That’s right.            7. That’s wrong. Don’t forget…  8. That’s wrong. Don’t do…

SB p. 131 Ex.10

  1. Look at the board.
  2. Look at this photo.
  3. Don’t open the window.
  4. Go to the playground.
  5. Listen to the song.



Lösungen: WEEK – 20.04.-24.04.2020

  1. Revision: The simple present: questions (G10 SB p.169)
  1. Put in “Do” or “Does”
  1. Do you get up early on Sundays?
  2. Does your dad play computer games?
  3. Do Dave and Luke work at the zoo?
  4. Do you have lunch at school?
  5. Does your friend play netball?
  1. Write short answers
  1. No, she doesn’t.
  2. No, I don’t.
  3. No, he doesn’t.
  4. No, they don’t.
  5. Yes, I do.
  6. Yes, she/he does.
  1. SB p.167 Test yourself
  1. Do you like the zoo?
  2. Why do monkeys eat bananas?
  3. When does Fred clean the cages?
  4. Does the zookeeper love his job?
  5. Do the animals eat meat and plants?
  6. What does Fred do next?
  1. Reading

SB p.51 Ex.1, Ex.2 a,b, Ex.3

Ex.1: on the computer

Ex.2a: positive 2-5, negative 1.


  1. awful – furchtbar
  2. watch – ansehen
  3. sausage – Wurst
  4. forget – vergessen
  5. fashion – Mode

3. Woche

Lösungen für die Woche 06.04.-09.04

1. Revision

a. Bilde Fragen. Bringe die Wörter in die richtige Reihenfolge (!G10 p. 169). Schreibe die Fragen auf.

1) Does the zookeeper love animals?

2) Why does Luke help the zookeeper every weekend?

3) What do Holly and Jay do at the zoo?

4) Do you feed the penguins every day?

5) When does he feed the other animals?

6) Where does Edgar come from?


b. SB p. 61 Ex. 11a (schriftlich).

2) Does Jay sing?

3) When does Jay help his uncle?

4) Where do Luke and Sherlock play football?

5) What does Holly clean?

6) What do Dave and Luke watch after school?

2. Woche


1) Revision:

b. Make sentences.

1. After school Jay listens (listen) to music or watches (watch) TV.

2. Olivia doesn’t play (not play) netball on Wednesday. She plays (play) it on Saturdays.

3. Olivia: I love (love) my team.

4. We have (have) netball practice every Monday after school.

5. They don’t like (not like) the programme “Animals in Africa”.


2) WB p. 62 - 63

Ziel 1a: Halloween: wear a scary costume, „Trick or threat!“, October

Eid: special day for Muslims, on a different day every year

Ziel 1b: October / wear a scary costume / “Trick or threat!” / special day for Muslims / on a different day every year.

Ziel 3: 1.  B  2.   A 3. B

Ziel 5b:

1) … Tagen im Juli, Freitag bis Sonntag statt.

2) … im Park statt.

3) … nichts.

4) … Sport machen und Aufführungen / Shows besuchen.

5) … Burger, Salate und Pizza.


1. Woche

Lösungen (1. WEEK)

WB p. 60 – 61 Checkpoint Ziel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Ziel 1:

  1. in October / wear a scary costume
  2. in November / make a big fire
  3. in March / People wear a red nose and collect money

Ziel 2:

I always get nice presents.

My sisters often make a birthday cake.

I always invite my friends to my party.

Ziel 3:

4. I need two bottles of

6. No, thanks. How much is it?

8. Here you are.

10. Thanks. Goodbye.

Ziel 4:

  1. wrong
  2. wrong
  3. right
  4. wrong

Ziel 5:

  1. An einem Wochenende im August.
  2. Nein, die Konzerte sind kostenlos.
  3. Es gibt Snacks, indisches und chinesisches Essen.


SB p. 80 Ex. 2: 3 (Jay’s brother, Shachid)

SB p. 81 Ex. 4: B, A, C, E, F, D

WB p. 58 Ex. 2, 3 a

Ex.2: 1) Jay  2) Holly  3) Luke  4) Jay’s mum  5)Olivia  6) Holly

Ex. 3a: Pirate: I’m a pirate.

Holly: Are you Jay’s friend?

Pirate: No, I’m his brother Shahid.