

bis 15.5.

Lösungen Englisch Klasse 6/ Aufgaben bis 15.05.

(1)                   clothes                                                         shopping

                        top                                                                receipt

                        large                                                             money

                        size                                                                sales

(2)       department store/ clothes/ long/ dress/ colorful/ shoes

(3)       1.         short

            2.         young

            3.         awful

            4.         small

            5.         cheap

(4)       1.         fashionable

            2.         patterned

            3.         loose

            4.         expensive

(5)       1.         size

            2.         suit

            3.         shop assistant

            4.         receipt

(6)       1.         the oldest

            2.         the funniest

            3.         the most colorful/ beautiful

            4.         the most colorful/ beautiful

            5.         the cutest

            6.         the happiest

(7)       1.         some

            2.         some

            3.         any

            4.         some

            5.         any






(8)       1.         biggest

            2.         famous

            3.         oldest

            4.         most interesting

            5.         more expensive

            6.         nice

(9)       most famous/ best/ longer/ cheaper/ more fashionable/ most exciting/ coolest

(10)     1.         1b/ 2a+b/ 3c

            2.         bekannten               wichtigen

                        berühmte                 gruselige

                        Puppen                     Schauspieler

                        Witze                          Geschichten

                        fünf                            sechs

            3.         1.         die billigsten und modischsten Läden in London

                        2.         um großartige Fotos zu machen

                        3.         sie sind rot

                        4.         4.50 pounds

                        5.         ab 5 Personen

bis 30.4.

Lösungen Englisch Klasse 6/ Aufgaben bis 03.05.

LB 168

(Test yourself)           1 some                                  4 any

2 any                                     5 some

3 any                                     6 any

LB 169

(Test yourself)           1 much                                  4 lots of

2 lots of                                 5 many

3 many                                  6 much         

LB 170

(Test yourself)           1 eats                                    4 doesn’t like

2 makes                                5 are

3 don’t eat                           6 isn‘t

LB 171

(Test yourself)           1 Do you often go tot he market? Yes, I do.

                                   2 Does Olivia like cabbage? No, she doesn’t.

                                   3 Do the students have lunch at school? Yes, they do.

                                   4 Do you eat meat? No, I don’t.

                                   5 Are English sausages delicious? Yes, they are.

                                   6 Is Jay allergic to nuts? No, he isn’t.


(Beispiele)                 I usually get up at 8 o’clock.

I don’t go to school.

My mother is at home.

She helps me.

I work for school every day.


Do you work alone?

When do you go to bed?

Are you happy now?

What is difficult for you?

Teil 2

Lösungen Englisch Klasse 6a Teil 2


(1)       1. dress

            2. SMS

            3. shoe department

            4. cold

            5. bridge

(2)       1.  is the most expensive dress in the shop.

            2. How much are these shoes?

            3. These trousers aren’t my size.

            4. Do you have a size M?

(3)       1. these

            2. This

            3. These

            4. this

(4)       1. D

            2. A

            3. B

4. C

(5)       1. I like the colorful sweatshirt.

            2. The sweatshirt isn’t my size.

            3. Do you have size M?

            4. The sweatshirt suits you very well.

            5. How much ist he sweatshirt?

WB 44/45

(2)       more famous than/ older than/ the most expensive/ heavier than/ prettier than/ the biggest

(3)       They are too big form e.

            Do you have these jeans in size M?

            Yes, here you are.

They look great.

I’d like to buy these jeans, please.

That’s 20 pounds, please.

Here you are.

And here are your jeans and your receipt.

(4b)     1b/ 2b/ 3a/ 4b

(5)       Excuse me. How can Ishe get to Westfield Shopping Centre?

            Die beste U- Bahn- Haltestelle ist Shepherd’s Bush.

            How can she get to Shepherd’s Bush?

Sie müssen die Circle Line in Richtung Westen nehmen und in Notting Hill Gate umsteigen. Dann nehmen Sie die Central Line in Richtung Westen.

WB 46/47

(1)       Big Ben- clock tower- famous bell

            The Tower of London- prison- really old

            St Paul’s Cathedral- old church- big dome

            The London Eye- big wheel- very all

(2)       older than/ the tallest/ newer than/ the most expensive/ more famous than

(3)       Can I help you?

            My size is M.

            Look, here’s the same T-shirt.

            How much is it?

            That’s not too expensive.

            And here’s your T-shirt and your receipt.

(4)       1b/ 2a/ 3b/ 4a/ 5b/ 6a/ 7b/ 8a

(5b)     Wir müssen die Central Line in Richtung Westen nehmen und in Notting Hill Gate umsteigen. Dann müssen wir die Circle Line in Richtung Norden nehmen.

Lösungen 1.+2. Woche

Lösungen Englisch Klasse 6a

LB 56/57

(8)       the smallest/ cheapest/ longest/ nicest

            the most beautiful/ colorful/ interesting/ expensive

(9a)     the biggest/ easiest/ wettest/ hottest/ best

(10a)   the biggest/ most famous/ longest/ tallest/ biggest

(10b)   August/ Wembley/ Oxford Street/ River Severn/ St Paul’s Cathedral/ Harrods

WB 40/41

(4)       The cheapest/ longest/ nicest/ cutest/ shortest scarf is number …. .

(5)       most colorful/ most expensive/ most boring/ most interesting trainers

(6)       big- bigger/ pretty- prettiest/ wetter- wettest/ easy- easiest/ better- best

(8)       Westminster Abbey ist the most beautiful church in London.

            The Shard ist he coolest building in the UK.

            Oxford Street ist he busiest road in London.

            Madame Tussauds ist he craziest museum in London.

(9)       I’d like this                                                    Here you are.

            Yes, it’s OK.                                                  Thanks. Bye.

LB 58

(3)       Shakespeare owns the theatre but not the land.

            They move the theatre because the landlord has asked for more rent.

            in 1613

            No one is hurt.

            The carpenters and builders build the theatre again.

WB 42

(1)       right/ right/ wrong/ wrong/ right/ wrong