

Teil 2/2

Lösung Lernplan Englisch Kl. 9 HS -

Teil 2/2

5.) childhood experiences:


What did you do/like when you were a child?


I liked… to go to the zoo /to go to the playground/ to visit my grandparents/ to spend time with my siblings/ to play outside with my friends/ to celebrate my birthdays/ to visit adventure parks…


What has been important in your life so far?


My parents/ grandparents/ friends have been very important to me so far, because…

It has been very important to me so farto make good friends/ to work hard for my goals/ to never give up/to stay positive/strong/ambitious/ to develop a good character…


Can you speak a foreign language except English?


Yes I can. Actually I speak a little …./ I speakvery well./ I speak … fluently.

No, I can't. (Unfortunately.)


If you won a trip to an English speaking country where would you go?

That's a really good question./ Let me think about it first./ I think I would go/travel to…,



6.) hometown


Do you like your hometown?


Yes, I do. I think Chemnitz is special /nice/ a great city/ the place to be, because …

No, I don't. Chemnitz is … (-negative aspects-)


What would you show a tourist in your town?


I would show him or her The Karl-Marx-Monument/ The Red Tower / The Smac / The "Schlossteich"/ The city centre/ The old town hall/ The zoo/ The "Burg Rabenstein"/ The "Wasserschloss Klaffenbach" … . I guess this sight is very interesting for tourists, because…


Where should a tourist go/ What should a tourist visit?


A tourist to Chemnitz should (certainly) visit the sight … . A tourist to Chemnitz shouldn't miss the sight … .


7.) future


What will you do after leaving our school?


I will (wenn es sicher ist!)… I'm going to (wenn es geplant -aber noch nicht sicher- ist!) do an apprenticeship/ work for…/ go on studying/ do my "Abitur"/ search for a good/suitable job…

I'm afraid, I don't know yet.


What job will you do?


I will/ I'm going to work as a …


What will your life be like in 10 years?


I hope in 10 years I will have… a family/ a house/ enough money/ reached my goals/ a good life/ my own flat…

That's a difficult question. I really don't know yet, because…


Where do you see yourself  in 10 years?


I see myself as a… successful worker/ husband/wife/ father/mother of nice children/ satisfied/happy person/ person who has reached his/her goals…

That's hard to say. I really don't know yet, because…


Can you imagine to live in another town/country later?


Yes, I can. I'm totally fascinated by … . It would be great to move there one day.

No, I can't. I really like Chemnitz, because … . So I would like to stay here all my life.


How do you think your life will change in the next years?


I guess life after school will be… more complicated/harder/easier/more funny/exciting, because…


8.) Germany


What do you think is "Typically German"?


I think it is typically German to have rules/ to complain about things/ to eat dishes with a lot of meat, dumplings and "Sauerkraut"/ to be over correct/ to be pessimistic/ to have garden gnomes/ to be diligent and reliable … (schaut gerne selbst nach mehr Beispielen…)


Are there any traditions in your family?


Yes, there are. One tradition is for example that we … .

No, there aren't.


Tell us more about your family?


My family consists of … persons: My dad is …years old and his name is …, my mother, she is …years old, her name is... and me. I have … older/younger sibling/s. My parents are very… . We are a big/small family. Most of all I like to spend time with my grandma, because … .


Alle Antworten dienen als Musterbeispiel und sollen euch die Reaktion auf  einige Fragen erleichtern. Seht diese als Hilfe und lernt die Antworten nicht einfach nur „auswendig“. 


Teil 1/2

- Lösung Lernplan Englisch Kl. 9 HS -

Teil 1/2

Aufgabe 3


skill/s (noun):          A skill is the ability to do something well.  (=Fähigkeit)


advice (noun):        An advice is a recommendation with the idea to help

                                 someone by talking about a special topic. (=Ratschlag)


volunteer (noun):   A volunteer is a person who freely does something without

                                 getting anything back. (= Freiwillige/r)


backdrop (noun):   A backdrop is a kind of painting at the back of a stage

                                 as part of the scenery. (=Kulisse)


suburb (noun):       A suburb is a small district of a city. (=Vorort)


access (noun):         If you have access, you can enter a place. (=Zugang)


 need/s (noun):        A need is something important that you need. (=Bedürfnis)