

Lösung 3. Woche

Did you know?


In S.A. gibt es 11 Amtssprachen. Ein Rekord in der Welt.

Es gibt noch 15 weiter inoffizielle Sprachen, wie Arabisch, Deutsch,

Indisch und Portugisisch. Die meist gesprochene Sprache ist Englisch,

aber nur jeder 5. spricht sie daheim. Die meisten S.A.er sind vielsprachig,

was heißt, dass sie mehr als eine Sprache sprechen und verstehen.


Text The playground


  1. Rosa´s school was by far not as nice and neat as Oranje Primary School.

They had no playground, more pupils, not enough classrooms and only

Morning lessons


  1. They stopped playing together because Hennies father didn`t like it.
  2. They cried because he had ended Apartheid after so many years. He

Was the man of hope and help, who took away the grey clouds.

  1. She had voted fort he first time in her life.
  2. Some white parents protested, because they didn`t want their white

children to be togehter with black children.

  1. The group respect Hennie because he is older and a good rugby player.


Aufgabe b vergleichen wir hoffentlich in der Schule nach Ostern ????


Lösung 1. Woche


Exploring the wild

  1. Landscapes: wide endless plains, quite flat lands, few hills, no mountains,
  2. History: Africa´s first national park, named after president P. Kruger, created in 1926
  3. Tourism: nothing before 1926, after that roads, fences and visitor centres were build

Guides were hired

  1. Animals: elephant, lion ,leopard, rhino, buffalo


Question about the text


  1. Being a ranger is one of the most amazing jobs in the world. He loves the landscape and the animals.

He loves teaching the people how to protect the wildlife

  1. It´s one of the most beautiful parks with an interesting wildlife.
  2. The KNP was the first national in S.A. and was founded in 1926.
  3. They have to stay in their car for their own safety.
  4. The ´Big Five` are the most dangerous and largest 5 animals in the park.
  5. Poaching means forbidden hunting.