

bis 15.5.

- Lösungen Lernplan III: Englisch Kl. 7a/(b) -

Teil 2/2


Unit 5: At home with the O'Brians/

G 13: simple present and present progressive


Buch S. 97/4: Make a mind map with things for a trip.

You can check that exercise yourself. Just have a look at page 215 in your book ;-) …

If you like, you can add some nice pictures… if you haven't done so already…


Buch S. 97/5a: Match the things for a trip with the words.

1. nail scissors = C

2. comb = B

3. toothpaste = E

4. hairdryer = A

5. shower gel = D

6. body lotion = F


5b: Say when you need these things.

2. You need it when your hands are dirty.

    You also need it… to get rid of (= etw. loswerden) the coronavirus, of course!

    So wash your hands regularly everyone! J Stay safe!

3. You need it when you want to smell nice.

4. You need it when you want to look at yourself.

5. You need it when you want nice hair./You need it when you want to comb your hair.


Arbeitsheft S. 93/2: What did Leo pack in his trolley suitcase? Write the words.

1. charger

2. towel

3. trainers

4. plasters

5. torch

6. shampoo

7. toothbrush

8. umbrella

9. present

10. clothes


3: Find the words for the definitions.


1. toothpaste

2. hairdryer

3. nail scissors

4. shower gel, shampoo

5. towel

6. body lotion

7. comb


4: Complete the poem.






hair gel


Buch S. 166: Test yourself


1. Simon often helps his grandma.

2. Listen, Maddy is practicing with her band.

3. Do you sometimes eat eggs?

4. Keith isn't listening to music now.

5. Are you watching TV at the moment.

6. Leo doesn't drink tea every day.


Anmerkung: Bitte markiert euch im Nachhinein noch die Signalwörter (fett gedruckt). Dadurch wird deutlich, ob etwas entweder regelmäßig (= simple present) oder gerade im Moment (= present progressive) geschieht.

Denkt immer auch an: He/She/It …Naaaa?!

… Ihr wisst schon ;-)! Uuuund schaut euch regelmäßig die Tabelle der unregelmäßigen Verben (Buch S. 219/220 oder AB) an! Tipp: Es reicht, wenn ihr pro Tag ca. 5 Stück wiederholt. So habt ihr schnell wieder alle im Kopf!

Finished! Hope to see you soon! J

bis 8.5.

- Lösungen Lernplan III: Englisch Kl. 7a/(b) -

Teil 1/2


Unit 5: At home with the O'Brians

Buch S. 96/2a: Describe the situation

Where are Leo and Conor? They are at Conor's house.

Why is Leo there? Leo is a guest in their home. (He is on a trip with his school orchestra.)

What are they doing? Conor is showing Leo the house.


2b: Answer the questions


1. It's 6:30.

2. He's from Germany and you usually can't get an Irish breakfast there.

3. She's Conor's sister.

4. She's practicing with her school band.

5. He's nervous because it's the first time with his orchestra in another country.

6. It means a meal, a little snack.


Anmerkung: Achtet hier auch auf die korrekte Rechtschreibung/Grammatik.


Arbeitsheft S. 93/1

…I love cereal

It's so sweet

…from the shelf...

…open the fridge

…on weekdays.

…and help ourselves…

…a traditional breakfast.

…I prepare them.


bis 30.4.

- Lösungen Lernplan II: Englisch Kl. 7a/(b) -

Teil 2/2


Unit 5: Welcome to Ireland

Buch S. 94/2: Correct the wrong sentences

2. That's right.

3. That's wrong. He was first in a singing competition called "The Voice of Ireland".

4. That's right.

5. That's wrong. People in Ireland and all around the world have parades on St Patrick's Day.


Arbeitsheft S. 92/1a: What's popular in Ireland?

1. St Patrick's Day

2. A youth orchestra

3. People at a dance workshop

4. A singing competition


1b: Choose a photo and write three sentences about it…


Musterlösung: St Patrick's Day

The Irish celebrate St Patrick's Day every year on 17th March. It is special because most people wear green clothes, the Irish colour. There are parades and parties all over the world.


Arbeitsheft S. 92/2: Describe the photo

Musterlösung: This is a photo of a street. In the foreground you can see a sign. In the middle of the photo some people are taking photos. In the background you can see a pub. It is called "The Temple Bar". There are a lot of people in (!) the street.






- Lösungen Lernplan II: Englisch Kl. 7a/(b) -

Teil 1/2

Unit 4: The Titanic disaster/At a bed and breakfast

Buch S. 84/4: The Titanic disaster

1) 2,200 people

2) from Southampton to New York

3) shortly before midnight, on 14th April 1912

4) twenty

5) about 700 people

6) twenty


Buch S. 85/5a

Anmerkung: Ein Tagebucheintrag (diary entry) hat immer eine bestimmte äußere

Form! Es folgt ein Musterbeispiel…


15th April 1912


Dear diary,


right now I'm in a hospital. I don't feel well. Yesterday was the most horrible day of my life. I was on the giant ship Titanic which hit an iceberg and sank only a few hours ago. Everyone on board was so scared because there weren't enough lifeboats. So I just jumped into one of them. We were out there on the sea for so long. It was dark and very cold so we couldn't even scream for help. Lots of passangers died because they fell out of the boats or jumped to death. I saw so many dead people. It was just terrible! These pictures will stay in my mind forever.

How lucky I was to survive a catastrophe like that. I still can't belive it!


John                                                                                                      (ca. 130 Wörter)


Anmerkung: Wer keine eigene Lösung hat, sollte sich die Musterlösung bitte unbedingt abschreiben.

Wer es selbst versucht hat (SUPER J!!!Großes Lob!), sollte überprüfen, ob er/sie auch die richtige Zeitform verwendet hat. Man schreibt über Vergangenes(!), d.h. die Hauptzeitform ist das simple past (=einfache Vergangenheit). Da man aber auch schreiben soll, wo man sich gerade befindet bzw. wie man sich gerade fühlt, benötigt man für diese Sätze das simple present (=Gegenwart). Sollte jemand einen Blick in die Zukunft eingebaut haben, muss man in diesem Ausnahmefall mit will-future arbeiten.


Buch S. 86/1: At a bed and breakfast

1. Es handelt sich um einen Privatparkplatz, auf dem nur Gäste parken dürfen. Falschparker werden abgeschleppt.

2. Man soll die Klingel betätigen, wenn man die Hilfe des Rezeptionisten benötigt. Der Text wurde wahrscheinlich deshalb geändert, weil einige Gäste es mit dem Klingeln „übertrieben“ haben.

3. Nein. (Das Aufstellschild ist als Witz zu verstehen: Wer im Bett frühstücken will, müsste dementsprechend in der Küche schlafen ;-)… ).

4. Die Gäste müssen bei der Ankunft die Hälfte der Übernachtungskosten (=50%) als Anzahlung leisten.

5. Ich hinterlasse keine nassen Handtücher auf dem Boden, sondern werfe sie in den Wäschekorb.

6. Das Schild bedeutet, dass es (leider) keine freien Zimmer (in diesem B&B) gibt.

Teil 2/2

Lösungen Lernplan Englisch Kl. 7a -

Teil 2/2


Unit 4: G 11 Steigerung und Vergleich von Adjektiven

Buch S. 164: Test yourself

1. smaller 2. healthier 3. more interesting  4. most exciting   5. less expensive   6. nice


Buch S. 82/7: Compare the things on the shelf.

2. is cheaper than 3. is more expensive than 4. is as big as 5. aren't cheaper than 6. is less expensive than


Arbeitsheft S. 76-77/3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Aufgabe 3: Listen to the dialogue in the shop

Anmerkung: Verwende für diese Aufgabe die CD (hinten im Arbeitsheft). Falls dir das

Abspielen nicht möglich ist, darfst du diese Aufgabe weglassen.


a) two loaves of bread, two loaves of white bread, six eggs, a jar of raspberry jam, a bar of chocolate


b) two loaves of bread, six eggs, a jar of raspberry jam, a bar of chocolate


c) 3.10 pounds


Aufgabe 4: Compare the things.



2. bigger than 3. more expensive than  4. the biggest  5. smaller than  6. the cheapest



2. as expensive as  3. less expensive than  4. healthier than  5. not as big as


Aufgabe 5: Complete the table.


small - smaller – smallest

nice – nicer – nicest

beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful

funny – funnier – funniest

interesting – more interesting – most interesting

wet – wetter – wettest

spectacular – more spectacular – most spectacular

good – better – best

bad – worse – worst


Aufgabe 6: Put in the right words.


more exciting – most boring – healthier than – friendly as – funnier – the best – nice as – the most interesting


Aufgabe 7: Compare the two sights in Northern Ireland.




The Titanic Museum is as interesting as the Giant's Causeway. The Giant's Causeway is cheaper than the Titanic Museum. The Giant's Causeway is older than the Titanic Museum. But the Titanic Museum is less spectacular than the Giant's Causeway.

Achtet darauf Eigennamen groß zu schreiben!


Unit 4: G 12 Some und any

Buch S. 165: Test yourself

1. any  2. some 3. some  4. some  5. any  6. any


Buch S 83/9


2. any 3. any 4. some 5. any 6. some 7. some 8. any



2. I don't have any money. 3. Are there any sandwiches in the kitchen? 4. I can give you some mineral water. 5. Do you have any tissues?


Arbeitsheft S. 78/8, 9

Aufgabe 8: Put in some or any.

Assistant: any (brown bread)– some (very tasty white bread)

Customer: some (jam)

Assistant: some (raspberry jam) – any (strawberry jam)

Customer: any (milk)

Assistant: any (milk) – some (in the kitchen) –some (milk)

Customer: any (milk)

Assistant: some (cows)


Aufgabe 9: Look at the pictures. Write sentences with some or any.

1. …him some sausages.

2. …have some spaghetti.

3. I don't have any money.

4. I'd like to buy some magazines.

5. Do you have any sandwiches?


Finished!!! J



Meine lieben Schüler/innen,

ich hoffe sehr, dass es euch allen gut geht! Hoffentlich konntet ihr die gestellten Aufgaben gut bewältigen und habt sie nicht „nur“ abgeschrieben. Das wäre schade. Ich weiß, dass es nicht ganz einfach ist, sich die Englischgrammatik selbst zu erarbeiten – aber wenn ihr sie euch aufmerksam durchlest, kann jeder von euch das schaffen! Da bin ich mir ganz sicher! Solltet ihr Fragen zu einzelnen Themen haben, schreibt sie euch gerne auf, damit wir sie – zum „Neustart“ – gemeinsam lösen können! Falls etwas (z.B. G10) gar nicht verstanden wurde, erkläre ich es auch gerne noch einmal. Ein großes Lob geht an all diejenigen, die es wirklich selbst versucht haben, ganz egal wie viele Fehler dabei gemacht wurden! Schließlich lernt man ja genau aus diesen!  J

Bleibt mir alle schön gesund – und genießt die Osterferien so gut es geht.

Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald wieder!

Liebe Grüße

J. Göckel


Teil 1/2

- Lösungen Lernplan Englisch Kl. 7a -

Teil 1/2

Unit 4: G 10 Bedingungssätze Typ II

Buch S. 163: Test yourself

1. had/would go 2. was/would understand 3. were/would visit 4. would hear /spoke 5. would be/didn't visit 6. wouldn't stay/wasn't

Merke: Im If-Satz steht niemals would! Die ersten drei Sätze (1-3) beginnen mit dem If-Satz, bei den Sätzen 4-6 ist das genau umgedreht! Deshalb müsst ihr genau aufpassen, in welche Lücken das simple past bzw. would/n't+Inf. einzutragen ist!

Nebensatz  (=If-Satz!) ⇒ simple past           Hauptsatz ⇒ would/n't+Inf.

Buch S. 78/8: Complete the sentences.


1. If Sarah was 10 years older, she would move to Belfast.

2. …, she would find a job.

3. …, she would work in an office.

4. …she would live in a flat.

5. …she would meet Julie (every weekend).

6. …she would visit her parents (often).



1. …, she would buy some snacks.

2. …, she would be very sad/disappointed.

3. …, he would open his own B&B.

4. …, they would have more time for Sarah.


Buch S. 78/9: What would happen?


2. spoke/would understand 3. would be/met 4. didn't live/would see 5. would spend/didn't listen 6. didn't work/wouldn't be


I would eat ten sausages if I were really hungry. I would sing for a big crowd if my best friend sang together with me. I would kiss a spider if I got 1000 euros for it.



Arbeitsheft S. 72-74/6-11

Aufgabe 6: Complete the sentences.

2. lived 3. went 4. asked  5. were 6. spent 7. had 8. stayed

Aufgabe 7: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

2. would visit her 3. would go shopping 4. would swim in the sea 5. would take us     6. would eat ice cream

Aufgabe 8: Put in the right verb forms.

Mum: would get

Brad: was/would ask/smiled/ wouldn't think

Mum: had to/would feel

Brad: would make/lived

Ashley: would love/hadn't/made


Aufgabe 9: What would you do if…? Write your sentences.


1. If I found some money, I would give it back.

2. If I met a famous actor, I would take a selfie with him/her.

3. If I saw a spider, I would scream.

4. If I wanted a new phone, I would ask my parents for money.


Aufgabe 10: What would you do in these situations?



1. …your friend told stories about you?

2. …you went on holiday with your best friend?

3. …your best friend missed school?

4. …you forgot to do your homework?


Aufgabe 11: Write an e-mail and give advice to a friend.




Dear Sarah,


That's bad news. If I were you, I wouldn't tell your dad. He won't buy you a new phone. Why don't you buy a phone yourself? If your parents paid you for your work in the B&B, you'd have enough money for a new one. Think positive and everything will be OK.


See you, Julie


Unit 4: Buy one, get one free

Buch S. 80-81

Aufgabe 2: Find out about the shopping trip.

a) What is on Dan's shopping list? What does he really buy?

Dan's shopping list: raspberry jam, brown bread, four stamps

What Dan really buys: strawberry jam (2 jars), farmer's bread, four stamps


b) How much does the jam cost? The jam costs 1.55 pound.


Aufgabe 3: Find the phrases in the dialogue.


1. How are you?

2. Thanks a lot.

3. Can you repeat that, please? I didn't get that.

4. Here you are.


Aufgabe 4: Work with shopping phrases.


a) E – v – F – w – D – u – A – x – C – z – B – y

b) customer: Do you have any other brand?/ I don't have any money left./ Sorry, I've

                      changed my mind.

    shop assistant: Sorry, we've run out of that./ Do you have the exact change?/ Sorry,

                            I can't change a twenty pound note./ I can order some for you.


Arbeitsheft S. 75/1,2


Aufgabe 1: At the shop


a) 1. raspberries 2. jam 3. sliced bread 4. a loaf of bread 5. letter 6. stamp 7. wallet


b) help you - I'd like – else - I'd like – That will be – you are – change



1. + I don't have any money left.

2. + Do you have the exact change?

3. + Do you have another brand?

4. + I've changed my mind.

5. + We can order some for you.

Aufgabe 2: Find the words for the things and write them below.


a packet of: crisps, sugar, tissues

a jar of: peanut butter, strawberry jam

a bottle of: mineral water, coke, milk